North Korea may produce a female Supreme leader, Kim Young Un

North Korea may produce a female Supreme leader, Kim Young Un

If the news flying round about the young North Korea supreme leader, Kim Jon Un is anything to rely on, a female Supreme leader may be on the way to lead the country.

The good news is she is the younger sister and closest confidant of the supreme leader. She is a young lady that trained by the former leader and father of the duo since she became twelve years.

Kim Yo-jong is a North Korean politician serving as First Deputy Director and de facto leader of the Propaganda and Agitation Department of the Workers’ Party of Korea since 2014. She is also an alternate member of the Politburo of the Workers’ Party of Korea. Wikipedia

Born: 26 September 1987 (age 32 years) at Pyongyang, North Korea and married toChoe Song  in 2014
She is currently a member of the Workers’ Party of Korea
She is a sibling of the thirty-six years old leader, Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-chul, Kim Jong-nam and Kim Sol-song

She was trained at the Il-sung Military University and Kim Il-sung University

Many North Koreans says she is the only person that challenges or make open contribution or correction to the supreme leader







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