SATELITE CHURCH: KDIC, The just shall live by faith; with Pastor Mike

#SateliteChurches #kdicglobal #PastorMike
#TOPIC: The just shall live by faith.

#TEXT : Heb. 10:36-39, Rom. 1:17. Gal.3:11, Habk 2:4.

I want to charge every Christian to come to the realization of the great difference between the WORLD and the JUST.

The just are the righteous ones.
The same Hebrew word (Tsadiyq) translated as ‘righteous’ also means ‘just’.
Therefore, every believer of Christ is just. Rom.5:1-2.

. … The just shall live by faith….
The world have several things to live by:
#Some live by their jobs
# Some live by their income
#Some live by drugs
#Some live by spouse
#Some live by health devices.
#Some live by alcohol and other stimulants.
#Now at this time of global pandemic, so many live by precautions. Like sanitizer, face mask, washing hands. Etc…
Even though some of the aforementioned are good but they can’t determine our living.

#The believers don’t live by those THINGS, we live by FAITH.
# Our FAITH is not built on THINGS, our faith is built on GOD.

For instance, if you live by money or your job or business, now that your income flow is hampered by the global economy shut down, you would fastly be down. You lose your joy and happiness. Some are losing hope so fast because they lost their job and financial source. NO….. It’s wrong!

#We live by faith and not by sight. Halleluyah!

#Faith is the major and central spiritual oxygen for a Christian. Don’t joke with your faith, it gives life to everything that has to do with you.
Live by faith. Hold unto the WORD. Build your faith on God’s WORD, not on men’s word.( Govt policy, National or global news).

There is no good news in the WORLD. The only good news is in the WORD of God
# The WORLD speaks pandemic and sicknesses, the WORD of God speaks healing and sound health.

#The WORLD speaks poverty and hunger, the WORD of God says; My God shall supply all your needs…
Do not entertain fear. It’s time to hold your faith more than ever before. We don’t live by THINGS we live by FAITH.

# I see you rising Victoriously out of this pandemic in the name of Jesus.
#At the end of the this time of trial, you shall shout for joy in Jesus name
#Counselling: Text or WhatsApp 08030874994







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